Thursday, 3 May 2012

Appleby Street survey- How boys and girls compared

Would you like there to be blood involved?

Yes 7

No 0

Don’t mind 0



Don't mind:0

In comparison they are slightly different, but still the majority on both of them are to involve blood so from both answers we are going to decide to involve blood in our film but as their is a minority who feel their shall be no blood we shall just make the blood not to a significant amount.

Would you prefer the film to be carried out in light, dark or both?

Dark 3

Light 0

Both 4

Dark: 2


Both: 4

They are both have similar answers, so from an average the target auidence would like us to include both light and dark which is perfect as we were going to apply pathetic phallacy with the lighting of the sky reflecting the characters moods and emotions, which means it would be suitable to apply due to the answers we have gained.

Would you like backing track in the movie?

Yes 5

No 2

Don’t mind 0

Yes 5

No 2

Don't mind: o

Both views are exactly the same on this answer, with the majority claiming they would like a backing track, which we means we will try and put in as many soundtracks in as possible, but to try and keep every one satisfied we will remain some clips with out soundtrack so the people who claimed that they don't want soundtracks in can enjoy the film.

What would you like the villain to wear in the movie?

Don’t mind 2

Mask 3

Other: Mask with a knife
• Dark clothes with a cape

Don't mind: 4

Other: where Mask, mask and knife and mask and cape

They have some similarities and differences in comparison, but as an average i think we need our villain to wear a mask, but we could easily put any piece of clothing as the majority of the answer was don't mind so their is not a specific look which we should go for.

Do you reckon there should be a lot of dialogue involved?

Yes 5

No 2

Don’t mind 0



Don't mind:1

In both the majority is for dialogue, so we are going to apply some dialogue so it fulfill the needs of the public.

In our opening 2-3 minutes would you like there to be any survivors?

Yes 2

No 5



These answers are completely different which has left us in a sticky situation, initially both character were going to die, but know we are going to differ the situation so that the end of our 3 minutes finishes with a confrontation between the villain and Aimee, so that the ending can be interpreted that in the rest of the film Aimee will die in that confrontation or that she will manage to run away which will suit both answers.

Shall we name the villain?

No 5

Yes 2

Don’t mind 0



Don't mind:1

This answer is more simple as both of the answers are near enough the same, so if the public feel we shouldn't name the villain there is no point trying to give it a name.

How often do you see horrors?

Often 4

Rarely 3

Never 0

Often 4

Rarely 3

Never 0

The answers we gained from this question were exactly the same which is great news as the majority of our target auidence watch our theme of film often so that means we have picked a good target auidence for our film.

1 comment:

  1. Again, I'm not going to type this every time but it'd be useful for the moderator if all posts you have to do with research and planning have the label 'research and planning'. I think you have gone with Appleby Coursework, which is fine but if we can submit a set of blogs all using the same labelling conventions they will be able to find it all so much more easily. IF you can please change them / add 'research and planning' label to all necessary posts.
