Thursday, 3 May 2012

Appleby Street survey results- Boys

1. Would you like there to be blood involved?

2. Would you prefer the film to be carried out in light, dark or contain both?

3. Would you like backing track in the movie?

4. What would you like the villain to wear in the movie?

5. Do you reckon there should be a lot of dialogue involved?

6. In our opening 2-3 minutes would you like their to be any survivors?

7. Shall we name the Villain?

8. How often do you see horrors?

I gathered results from 7 boys to give our group a overview of what our target auidence wants our film to improve on and include. Also, to see if the stage of the film in which we are currently on meets their needs.
Here are the results:

Thanks to these results I have gained an insight into the audiences perspective on horror films. However, the 7 people I asked were all boys meaning that the results gained may be a bit one sided, which will explain the answers for example "no survivors" and want to see "blood" during our film.
In most horrors or action films there is male references in the film, for example fighting/killing which we contain in our film at the minute when the killer shoves the knife at Aimee and go to kill her, but also when Ben has a wound on his neck with blood (ketchup) on his neck, which gives the film a gory approach which will keep male audience interested in the opening 2-3 minutes.

Here is a an average for each question results:

Would you like there to be blood involved? Yes 7

No 0

Don’t mind 0

Would you prefer the film to be carried out in light, dark or both?
Dark 3

Light 0

Both 4

Would you like backing track in the movie?
Yes 5

No 2

Don’t mind 0

What would you like the villain to wear in the movie?
Don’t mind 2

Mask 3

Other Mask with a knife
• Dark clothes with a cape

Do you reckon there should be a lot of dialogue involved?
Yes 5

No 2

Don’t mind 0

In our opening 2-3 minutes would you like there to be any survivors?
Yes 2

No 5

Shall we name the villain?
No 5

Yes 2

Don’t mind 0

How often do you see horrors?
Often 4

Rarely 3

Never 0

Each result gave us a idea if our film is relevant to the requirements of our target auidence or in fact we need to improve our film to match their requirements.

Question 1: All 7 boys answered with yes, fortunately we have a seen where there is a wound on Bens neck with fake blood.But this is a quite significant requirement we might need to redo the scene so the auidence can gain more of a glimpse of the wound to show how substantial the wound was.

Question 2: This made us change our scene partly as was focusing on Dark and light but as they want both we are going to contain interval lighting to show the process of the light changing to raise tension and as the answer which was superior to the others was the light to be both.

Question 3: As most of the auidence answered that the film will need a backing track, we will need to add a soundtrack in the background to keep the auidence interested, which i will do in the editing stage to make sure the consistency of the sound matching the image in the video.

Question 4: We gained a diverse answer, but most containing a mask, which was in our initial list of props in the first place.

Question 5: we surprisingly gained a different perspective of the auidence of what we initially we had presumed. So we are going to create a new script with adding more dialogue which will also mean we will need to create more filming so that our film matches the requirements of the public.

Question 6: Of course boys wouldn't like there to be any survivors which was backed up by my survey, so we are going to recreate the ending so that i definitely die and depending on the results of the girls to see if Aimee should survive as well.

Question 7: As we got most of the results containing that we shouldn't name the villain, we are not going to as it will save time and we wouldn't of gained any purpose as the auidence don't require it.

Question 8: We didn't get any never which was good as it shows that most of the public either rarely or often watch horrors, which was shown by my results with it being roughly half each with Often just edging it with 4, This shows that we picked the right auidence as our survey shows most teenagers watch horrors.

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