Thursday, 3 May 2012

Questionnaire of latest update Part 3

The question was, what parts would you improve in our film?

5 Boys:
Ben K

5 girls:

Harry: I would make the sound from "Kwirk productions louder" and make the clip of that more like the "Sphinx Studios" as that created suspense whereas "Kwirk" didn't.

Lauren: The ending looked like credits, and as it is the opening 3 minutes of the film i would persume theres going to be more of the film, so i would re do the ending clip.

Zara: I would make your character more manly because he keeps saying lines like "are you kidding", also i would change  the clothing of the villain.

Holly: I would put in more backing music, it is only scary at the end with the piano playing ion the background.

Ben: It was impressive, but i think you need to sharpen up some of the darken clips, especially the brightness so we can see whats clearly going on.

Jake: I would re do the middle scene because the light difference is to different, all of a sudden its pitch black maybe re film in the middle between the light scene and the dark scene.

Jess: I would change the "kwirk" so it is louder or get a new backing track, also re film the middle scene all together.

Alex: I would get rid of the last scene with the titles and put the titles of "producer" etc at the start along with the "starring".

James: I would make the villain scarier, maybe give him a shot of him attacking Aimee or Ben.

Rosie: I would make it so you could see the killing of Ben and also make Aimee die instead of ending it.

We asked the question of "what parts would you improve in our film?", because the 10 people i asked were all part of the target auidence 15- 25 most of them being about  16,17. This is extremely helpful because they give us an idea of what they would like to be improved in our film, so we are fulfilling their needs.

Of course we couldn't act on all of their ideas, for example "Rosie" stated that she would like to see the "killing of Ben", (cheers)  of course we cannot do this because i am playing the role of two characters of me and the villain. So we could not contain a shot of me and me in the same shot, i'm not Eddie Murphy. James also stated he wanted to see either "Aimee or Ben" being attacked by the villain"but when we done the survey of anyone surviving the boys and girls had a divided opinion. So we thought to respect both views we would make one survive and the other to not.

But we took some into consideration, for example to improve "Kwirk Productions" was a popular view from the survey, Jess stated that she would "make it louder" or even get a "new backing track", Harry had a similar view but also stated make the clip of that more like the "Sphinx Studios" as that created suspense whereas "Kwirk" didn't. As this was a popular opinion we are going to look at the clip and see if we can use their ideas to improve our film.

Also one view was to "get rid of the last scene with the titles and put the titles of "producer" etc at the start along with the "starring". We are going to try this idea as we feel this is really effective idea as we were thinking of a way to try and change the titles because we had a similar view to "Lauren" as she stated that "The ending looked like credits, and as it is the opening 3 minutes of the film i would presume theres going to be more of the film, so i would re do the ending clip."

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